Hillary and Our Duty To Retrieve Free Government Part III

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In parts I & II last April, I referenced Niccolo’ Machiavelli’s examination of the tough job that awaits good men in corrupt republics to restore free government. Just as a body in motion tends to stay in motion in the direction it is headed, so too do societies and their governments. The government of our republic, dedicated to unalienable rights, has been so corrupted that its next president might be not a hidden traitor, but one who openly sold out her country.

Crooked Hillary is a symptom, rather than a cause. Congress long ago perfected the art of exempting themselves from the laws they make for the rest of us. With rare exception, congress winks at high crimes within and outside its walls. While Hillary extended the limits of acceptable corruption to the point of treason, congress is part of the corruption racket. Since avarice and ambition know no limit, every unpunished crime only encourages more.

Despite the admonitions from Rush, Savage and probably other talk show hosts, I admit I was hopeful that FBI chief James Comey would live up to his reputation and nail that evil-in-a-pantsuit to a barn door. Well, he didn’t. At least Comey didn’t end up like Andrew Breitbart, Antonin Scalia, or John Ashe (UN official, suicide by barbell). Perhaps, like Chief Justice John Roberts in his Obamacare decision, Comey saw the light when he felt the heat.

I expect prospective jurors in local trials around the country to tell judges they are unfit for jury duty because they will not convict some schlub for shoplifting at a Seven Eleven when her Thighness walks around free and blindingly wealthy from the lucre she accumulated in the course of selling out the United States. Rule of law? That’s for the little people.

What is to be done? Keep voting? Believe that with the right driver, a car on cinderblocks will operate? No, the solution isn’t a new driver, a cool paint job, fuzzy dice, or new upholstery. The vehicle of our freedom must go to the shop, and the only tow truck is an Article V state amendments convention.

Machiavelli pointed out the obvious when he related that if reform of a corrupted republic is to happen, it will arrive either slowly or all at once. Either good men and women will refocus our national attention toward what must be done to peacefully restore free government over time, OR expect declining living standards, and rising resistance with an unknown outcome. Which will it be? We know what the Obama administration is planning for. While it subjects our armed forces to queer studies, it is quietly arming every administrative department to put down the first hint of real opposition.

C’mon folks! Realize that it is time to appeal to Natural Law, that which our Founders cited to throw off tyranny. We are no longer a self-governing republic, and if the Left gets another eight years in the White House, I doubt we’ll be a recognizable country by 2024.

Explain Article V to your friends, contact your state reps, write letters to online editors. We must change the popular discourse from the irrelevant to the essential: the restoration of the American Republic.

We are the many; our oppressors are the few. Be proactive. Be a Re-Founder of the American Republic. Join Convention of States. Sign our COS Petition.